Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Glee Season Finally (And I'm Still Crying)

Ok, I'll admit that a pain in my stomach and my growing hunger may have contributed to the profuse amount of tears that spilled from my awe struck eyes as I watched my year long obsession come to a close in the most spectacular way possible, but I'm 65% possitive that I would have weeped either way. Don't judge me, ladies and gentleman! It takes a real man to cry when he hears a show choir perform inspirational music with as much expertise as the New Directions (just ask Matthew Morrison). I actually think that it was a very fulfilling ending to the wildly sucessful two seasons that the show has had. I was slightly dissappointed by the way Regionals turned out, but I think I would have been even more dissappointed if they beat Vocal Adrenaline. What would I have to look forward to after that? Random explosions of showtunes and precise choreography? ... High School Musical: The Show... On FOX! Abosolutely Not. I'd sooner down an entire Turky wrapped in sandpaper and dipped in freshly harvested puppy drool.

Anyway, congrats Glee on your second season, and I will save a BP oil covered Turtle for every recap episode I watch this Summer! (Probably 21. I refuse to watch Kristin Chenoweth's first episode again. It sucked more that every Tyler Perry movie combined. Did I just go there? You bet your ass I did.)